Tournament Teams
FC814 supports their soccer teams who want to play in tournaments rather than the state sanctioned leagues. Tournament teams may be registered under US Club Soccer as well as US Youth Soccer Memberships. US Club Soccer is a National Association member of the U.S. Soccer Federation and is committed to the development and support of soccer clubs in the United States.
A tournament team may compete in US Club Soccer State Cup or in a US Club Soccer-sanctioned tournament:
- State Cup teams:
Individual teams that are not US Club Soccer members may participate, on a space-available basis, in a US Club Soccer-sanctioned state cup. These teams obtain player passes good for the entire registration year.
- Other tournament teams [youth only]:
Non-member teams that need cards or tournament insurance to participate in a US Club Soccer-sanctioned tournament (that is not a US Club Soccer state cup or the National Cup) can also become a US Club Soccer member, and receive player passes good for the entire registration year.